Photography by Blair Dwyer
Dress & Crystal Cuff: Made by Me | Skull Ring: Lotus Mendes | Peace Ring: Low Luv | Shoes: Tony Bianco
A Wedding at the Old Swan Brewery.
So, I'm back in my hometown of Perth to play a few gigs, enjoy the weather and get catching up with old friends at two serendipitously planned weddings. Somewhere amidst packing my instrument cases and clothing I got the bright idea that I would make a few dresses to wear to the weddings. After looking through my wardrobe I realised I just don't have anything "me" that really works for a wedding... so I packed half my suitcase full of material and lace and this is what I came up with...
I call it "The Elizabeth"...
Whilst I may be able to design and draw - I'm not so much of an actual dressmaker - I had to sew myself into this baby... I generally start with an idea and let it turn into whatever it turns into as I continue sewing and draping... Luckily I'm a raw edge, chaotic drapery kind of gal - one that likes to kick off her shoes and dance the night away. So I did.
Photo Booth.