I'd like you all to meet Ashley - we've been besties since we were 12. I've never had a "guest-poster" on my blog before but Ash had some very valuable info to share on the topic of Soy Candles. The deliciously scented Becalm Soy Candles below are part of the giveaway I'm hosting [enter here]. So, anyways, I thought it best to hand this over to Ashley... Plus, she's gorgeous and hilarious - I figure it can't hurt to add some hotness to MojoMade!

Firstly, let me introduce myself. I’m Ashley, Morgan’s ‘unofficial’ sister. Apparently we’re not really sisters because we have different parents or something (whatevs), but I’d like to challenge that societal rule because, well, we’re sisters. Simple.
Now, I don’t want to seem all preachy, because that’s not my thing at all, but I’m really excited to be able to share something that I became aware of a little while ago and I think it’s really important to pass on valuable pieces of information so that people can make informed choices in their world...
I don’t claim to be a scientist, though I do own a pretty cute white jacket that I think makes me look really smart (I digress).. But here’s what I know about… CANDLES. Yep, candles. Those gorgeous flickering, sweet smelling flames that transform our spaces into pictures from a magazine as soon as you turn off the light. Well, it turns out that burning regular; paraffin candles are actually really bad for your health.
Let me explain just a couple the reasons in a simple, dot pointed manner:
Let me explain just a couple the reasons in a simple, dot pointed manner:
- Research has shown that non naturally derived candles produce smoke laced with almost as many toxins as those produced by cigarettes
- They found ten times as many damaging free radicals — molecules that can cause cancer — in the air inside the churches as they did in the air beside a motorway.
- The release of chemicals can cause indoor pollution that is potent enough to raise the risk of asthma, eczema and skin complaints.
- Paraffin wax, a by-product of the petroleum industry. These have been shown to release an alarming range of volatile organic compounds. (This means BAD)
There are so many more reasons so start googling and get educated!
In summary, paraffin candles are really bad for your health. A doctor even stressed this to me once. Doctors know a lot so I figure I’ll listen to his advice. The good news? Natural candles made from Soy or Beeswax don’t have the same baddies in them. So fear not, I have found the most gorgeous looking and smelling soy candles on the market now. A friend of mine Kylie has similar thoughts to me and decided to start making her own soy candles.. the results? Becalm Soy Candles (my favourite is lime and coconut, oh and Hawaiian breeze… mmmmm) Some of her gorgeous candles are featured in Morgan’s giveawayso get entering.
Natural candles are popping up more and more at markets and in stores so maybe start to rethink your choices when you are choosing your next candle purchase : )