Boots: Betts | Leggings: Mink Pink @ Market HQ | Shirt: DIY from Forever 21 | Claw Ring: Beginning Boutique | Skull Ring: Lotus Mendes
From here on in, these babies will be known as my MOON BOOTS! I will wear them with glittery pride leaving a trail of sparkle-dust in my wake, brightening the day of all who see my feet moon-walking. And pissing off anyone with carpet.
And a little tip when you can't find the exact thing that's in your mind? Buy something that's close enough and hack at it with scissors, add buttons, add zippers, hitch it up, dye it or add lace... Get your Edward Scissor hands on! Haha Whatever it's missing - you can add it to make it truly unique.
After I couldn't find the right colour or cut off denim shirt/vest that I wanted - I got this long sleeved denim shirt from Forever 21 in Times Square when I was in New York last month.
Shirt... meet Scissors.