Skirt: Mink Pink from Market HQ | Denim shirt: Forever 21 | Necklace: Lotus Mendes | Boots: Betts | Bag & faux faur tail: Sportsgirl | Blazer: Stolen from my BF
This week I'm juggling pre-production of my album, styling behind the scenes at the Market HQ Campaign Shoot (read more here), 3 live gigs and of course Mercedes Benz Fashion Week. Other than the shows, one of my favourite things to do is people and style watch, it's a great way to challenge your style when you see all the amazing local and international street-style wandering the streets of Sydney.
The most inspiring thing I've seen so far?
The hair for the Camilla show!! Fishtails and mixing of colours, feathers and all sorts of gypsy crazy! So here you go, some street style from MBFWA with yours truly - and some old-school fish tail action.
Follow me on intsagram and twitter under @morganjoanel for updates over the last days at Fashion Week Australia.
Mojo x