I was visiting the cool kids over at Mother & Father PR when Leigh planted the Winter 2 Bless'ed are The Meek lookbook in front of me, open to the Seance Jacket and said:
"We have to get you in this. I saw it and thought - that is literally Morgan as a jacket."
And yes, if I was reincarnated as jacket I'd be all over the ombre fringing with leather and studs detailing... Which made me question - did Leigh or BATM know something I didn't? Alas, I refrained from performing a seance wearing the jacket and instead decided to perform a song. And film it.
In any case, what is special about this incredible piece is that even though filming, editing and uploading a music video can take a lawwwwng time, this will never be out of season. So it's made me realise that yes, Bless'ed Are The Meek do know a few things that rest of a us mere mortals don't. Because when you wear it, magic happens.

See the full music video blog-post here.
Watch more of my music videos here.