A variation of what I wore each night on stage for the Newton Faulkner national Australian tour.
Bodysuit: Amercian Apparel | Boots: BooHoo | Leather Cuff: MojoMade | Tringle Ring: Lotus Mendes
I grew up on the stage. From four years old I was singing, cartwheeling and tap dancing under the lights. Quick changes, dress rehearsals, costumes of glitter and sequins... Once you join that club - it never really leaves you, that need for a roller-coaster existence.
The chaos and craziness of what goes on behind the curtains followed by the adrenaline of being centre stage. The connection and magic of entertaining a breathing audience is so ancient and so raw - it's a feeling that never gets old.
The brilliance of being in the spotlight and the darkness of waiting in the wings is all one and the same.
You can't have one without the other and no matter what happens on or off stage, the show must go on.

From the stage at The Metro, Sydney.
There's No Business Like Show Business.