So it's quite apparent to me that the blazer thing is just not going away - though the colours are changing (hello neon!) and sometimes the way we wear it (over sized, cropped)... It's just something you've got to have. So here's a few of my fave blazer style ideas from my own wardrobe...
WHITEY: Other than in a science lab, you could try it with denim cut-offs like these One Teaspoon originals - and a pair of smashing heels like these blue suede Tony Bianco babies!
THE CLASH: This is one of my proudest clashing moments - warm orange Sportsgirl and silky pink by Staple The Label. Try mixing hot pink with turquoise or mustard to make it pop.
DAYWEAR: Super simple - take a neutral colour, I love the terracotta pink in this Wish blazer - pair it with jeans and a little nautical stipeyness to call in the sailors!
COLOUR BOMB: What the hell, just mix it all together and make some kind of a look with ripped tights, skulls and bondage type accessories.
SO FASHUN: I stole this vintage op shop blazer from my boy - over sized only really works paired with something feminine otherwise you can look sponge-bob-square-pants. After I wore this at MBFW - my boy took it back, guess he didn't know what he had till it was gone hehe.
THE BLUES: This is one of those blazers that I wasn't sure if I loved but its the one I wear the most. Funny that!
BACK TO BLACK: You can never go wrong with black. A pair of bright platform heels (these are Betts) make any otherwise simple get-up scream. This one I found on eBay years ago has subtle shoulder pad detail - you know the Lady GaGa thing? But less GaGa and more subtle. Obviously.
I've narrowed down a blazer search for you right here at Market HQ - if you're just not sure where to start. So much of my wardrobe is from this amazing online store - of course thanks to the $10,000 wardrobe that I won from them a few months ago. Lucky I never get tired of their labels and gorgeous threads!