
White Dress, White Dress

MojoMade Crystal Necklace   |   Dress: Three of Something   |   Vintage Necklace @ U-Turn, Surry Hills

I'm not so much of a girly girl - for reasons I have not worked out yet - but I have to say, I do love a white lacey dress. Especially when paired with a pair of black boots and black accessories. It's the one thing that no-matter-what, if I see one, I buy it. Then I get home to hang said girly white lacey dress in my wardrobe and realise I have another one just like it. And when I say one, I mean six. It's turning into an epidemic.

However, when I saw this Three of Something dress hanging amongst all the other summer beauties at the Park Avenue PR showroom - it basically jumped off the rack and into my arms. I couldn't resist it - and I really don't have anything like it. No, really.

And you know what those gorgeous ladies at Park Avenue PR did? They gave me the dress because they heard that I had a load of washing stolen from my clothes line in the backyard.

Don't you just love when a negative turns into positive?
Or in my case, another girly white lacey dress.


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