
The World of The Wild Unknown

MojoMade Crystal ring available here   |   Crucifux ring by Spell & The Gypsy Collective.

Before setting out on the road for my national tour of Australia [with my music] I did the first Tarot spread with my enchantingly new Wild Unknown Tarot deck. Seated under the blue skies of Rushcutters Bay in Sydney, it was the clearest most exciting and full filling reading I've ever done for myself.

Throughout the tour I've pulled a card before each show and sometimes just to start the day - and interestingly, two cards in particular kept making they're way through... ⇞ The World 

"The world is the final card in the journey of the major arcana. It signifies completion, harmony and contentment. It's rare to experience this energy, as we are usually consumed by wanting, needing and achieving. So when this card appears, contemplate for a moment the idea of "being whole".

And my favourite card at the moment, Four of Wands...

"You've done it! The four of wands is a card of completion. Your labours have been steady and strong and the harvest will be plentiful. In other words, it's time to party. So enjoy yourself and those you love, this is an exciting and prosperous time."

And all I can think is - thank f*ck for that! 
MAAAAAAN it's been a touch cycle - this is the one I'm most happy to leave behind, but still extremely grateful for. I've been up through the clouds on the highest of highs, seen the lightest of lights and fallen to the blackest of blacks under the weight of rolling oceans... But every broken moment is a scar I wear with pride as a memory on my heart.

And I'll continue the battle of whether to be the Pirate or The Mermaid... But it ain't heavy horizons I see anymore, it's freedom. And I'm setting sail with the friends I've gathered on this thin raft - for a life uncommon.

Enjoy the ride x


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