Most days in my kind of life are like riding a roller-coaster. Sometimes you're heading uphill, knowing that the drop is coming... Remembering that the drop is exciting, but sometimes you're just not in the mood. One day you want to ride it with your hands up in the air, screaming your love for life - and other days there's a pang of anxiety about the dip - maybe you ate something you shouldn't have before... hehe.
You can wake up in the morning with a plan to 'take care of business' only to have it interrupted by a 'do this right now for a something that might possibly come to fruition later on'. You can kick off the week with the idea of a detox, but have a lunch long lunch meeting with someone creative that inevitably involves Sangria and deliciously un-detox-worthy food. You can start the morning with the brightest of outlooks that can be shot down within a minute of that 'one phone call' or email that dampens the mood.
For example... I had an entire load of washing stolen off my clothes-line the week of my birthday. That equals totally annoying. But the girls at Park Avenue PR heard about it and generously invited me to choose my favourite pieces from some of the labels they look after - so in the end, I got a nice little birthday present and a wardrobe-upgrade!
See? A downer turned into an upper... without the pills.
(But maybe now you get why I'm addicted to this roller-coaster life.)
So clearly, you gotta learn to roll with the punches.
You gotta go with the flow.
You gotta remember that in between the work and dedication - YOLO!
So make the work count. Make the art great. Live each moment with conviction.
And enjoy x
The Elemental Collection is now available in my Online Store