This week I've been having a little fun with patterns and ombre colours on my BONDS knickers from the new Collectibles range [DIY coming next week for these "Live Wild Be Free" knickers I made]. Everyone's Aussie favourite BONDS is launching a new range of underwear, which is pretty lucky for me because all my washing is on the line, and at just $30 for 5 pairs it's much more affordable than buying a dryer. Hehe
Us girls knows that you can build an entire lifetime of confidence just by wearing a fierce pair of knickers - ri-eeeeght? So, enter the new Collectibles range of pastels, candy stripes and pops of colour in skimpy, boy-leg and bikini bottoms that will keep your underwear matching whatever mood you're in... I personally love the bright splashes of colour first thing in the morning on these grey and rainy Sydney days!
So what has BONDS got to do with The Rubens?
We all know that knickers and rock'n'roll bands go hand in hand, so for the launch of the new Collectibles range, BONDS are giving you the chance to come along with me for a VIP night of drinks and canapés whilst The Rubens rock out an exclusive acoustic set (I die).
There's going to be 5 lucky winners who will each get to invite 9 of their friends to come along to the Bright Night Event in Sydney. So if you want the chance to throw your knickers at The Rubens - get over to the BONDS Facebook page to enter!
Hope to see you there!!