This year I will...
Live more simply. Quality over quantity. Need over Want.
I'm not so much of a New Years Resolution girl, as I am an Always Resolution girl...
Generally, I've got a lot of things on the go - goals to reach, things to achieve - so I don't need another list.

This year I will...
Trust that it will all work out. Because I know who I am.

This year I will...
Trust and act on my instincts, speak up and ask for what I want.

This year I will...
Eat clean and get creative with food!

This year I will...
Accept that for the highs, there must be lows.
And trust the balance. 
This year I will...
Quit waiting for things. For people. For situations.
That will never change.

This year I will...
Dedicate more time to the peeps I love. Just coz.
This year I will...
Look for the unseen, and find the magic in everything
This year I will...
Nurture my inner child and dream new dreams.

This year I will...
Have patience. Be still in the moment.
Be happy that I have the moment at all.

This year I will...
Embrace the bohemian-psychedelic-gypsy-hippie that my heart has always been.
And I will be free.