As a kid in school I always loved 'Reading Time'... And couldn't understand all the kids who thought it was a chore... I got to escape into worlds of imaginary awesomeness and endless possibilities for the future and how I could change the world...
I always wanted to be a writer (I still hope to achieve that one day, but I was never very good at editing and my stories went on forever!). And my favourite part of a good story was foreshadowing... You know the part in a book or movie where some little detail is shown and then it comes back later to reveal everything?
I can always pick the baddie in a movie.
So whilst I still can't edit my stories down
(I started 3 novels over my teenage years and one movie script that was on 30 pages and still had no story line... I think I was taking inspiration from Seinfeld)
I can edit photos into a blog post...
So here it is guys - the big foreshadowing of what's to come from my imagination and hands...