If there's one thing I've learned about the strength of a Mother's love, it's that a mother will go through hardships if it means their children won't have to. They'll take whatever they have to on the chin if it means their children won't have to go through the pain... So for those of you Mum's who braved the fullet-perm trend (as seen on my fashion-forward mother) on behalf of us daughters of the 1980's...
Thank you for paving the way and teaching us that one day we will regret following trends. You showed us pictures and we laughed and said it would never happen to us.... But we wore midriffs and tartan skirts (a la Clueless), we wore baggy cargo pants and turned our hair orange with Sun-In... And now you can have the last laugh...
Because the 90's are back and we're wearing thigh-high socks and colouring our hair pink and blue... again...
I for one am going to own it - for a second time around! But please, please promise me - if the perm or fullet comes back in style - PLEASE don't try to own that a second time around?! Because I'm sorry, but it really didn't work the first time... So thank you for trying it, going through the pain and hardship of wearing it and keeping the proof of what us kids of the noughties should never, never try at home.