New Years Resolutions and Old Years Revelations
I've actually never done the whole "New Years Resolution" thing but this year feels different.
I can't remember being more excited for a fresh start in my life and cannot wait to see how the year unfolds. A new leaf has been turned....
Some thoughts for 2012...
write letters.
smile at strangers.
call friends just to say hello.
don't complain.
let go.
challenge perception.
go with the ebb and flow.
act on instinct.
send birthday cards.
show gratitude.
remember the little things.
work hard.
play harder.
take time to relax.
Live each moment.
"You canʻt connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that somehow the dots will connect in your future. You have to trust in something--your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever."
- Steve Jobs
I hope it's a big year for you xx